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微软发布8月份安全公告 修复多个严重安全漏洞




微软发布了8月份的9篇最新的安全公告:MS07-042到MS07-050。这些安全公告分别描述了14个安全问题,分别是有关各版本的Microsoft Windows、IE、Excel和Virtual PC/Virtual Server等产品和服务中的漏洞。

1. MS07-042 Microsoft XML Core服务中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码(936227)

    - 受影响软件:
    操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0
    操作系统:Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0

    操作系统:Windows XP Professional x64 Edition和Windows XP Professional
    x64 Edition Service Pack 2
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0
    操作系统:Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1和Service Pack 2
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0
    操作系统:Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition和Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
    Service Pack 2
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0
    操作系统:Windows Server 2003 with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems和Windows
    Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0
    操作系统:Windows Vista
    Microsoft XML Core Services 3.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0
    Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0    

    Office软件:Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2、2007 Microsoft Office System、
    Microsoft Office SharePoint Server和Microsoft Office Groove Server 2007
    Microsoft XML Core Services 5.0
    - 漏洞描述:

    特制的脚本请求可能导致在使用Microsoft XML Core服务时出现内存破坏。成功
|受影响软件       |Microsoft XML    |总体风险级别 |
|                 |Core服务漏洞     |             |
|                 |CVE-2007-2223    |             |
|Windows 2000     |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|2000 SP4上的     |紧急             | 紧急        |
|XML Core Services|远程代码执行     |             |
|3.0、4.0、6.0    |                 |             |
|Windows XP       |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|XP SP2、XP Pro   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|x64版、XP Pro x64|远程代码执行     |             |
|版SP2上的XML Core|                 |             |
|Services 3.0、   |                 |             |
|4.0、6.0         |                 |             |
|Server 2003      |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|2003 SP1、2003   |中等             | 中等        |
|SP2、2003 x64版、|远程代码执行     |             |
|2003 x64版SP2、  |                 |             |
|基于Itanium系统的|                 |             |
|2003 SP1和SP2上的|                 |             |
|XML Core Services|                 |             |
|3.0、4.0、6.0    |                 |             |
|Windows Vista    |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Vista、Vista     |紧急             | 紧急        |
|x64版上的XML     |远程代码执行     |             |
|Core Services    |                 |             |
|3.0、4.0、6.0    |                 |             |
|Office套件       |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|安装了XML Core   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|Services 5.0、6.0|远程代码执行     |             |
|的Office 2003    |                 |             |
|System、Office   |                 |             |
|SharePoint Server|                 |             |
|和Office Groove  |                 |             |
|Server 2007      |                 |             |
    - 临时解决方案:

    * 将Internet Explorer配置为在Internet和本地Intranet安全区域中运行ActiveX
    * 将Internet 和本地Intranet安全区域设置设为“高”,以便在这些区域中运行
    - 厂商补丁:                

    "Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。
2. MS07-043 - OLE自动化中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码(921503)

    - 受影响系统:
    Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
    Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Windows XP Professional x64 Edition和Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
    Service Pack 2
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1和Microsoft Windows Server
    2003 Service Pack 2
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 1和Microsoft Windows
    Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 2    
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems和Microsoft
    Windows Server 2003 with SP2 for Itanium-based Systems
    Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac
    Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6

    - 漏洞描述:


|受影响软件       |OLE自动化内存破坏|总体风险级别 |
|                 |漏洞             |             |
|                 |CVE-2007-2224    |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows 2000     |紧急             | 紧急        |
|SP4              |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows XP       |紧急             | 紧急        |
|SP2              |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows XP Pro   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|x64版和XP Pro x64|远程代码执行     |             |
|版SP2            |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |中等             | 中等        |
|2003 SP1和Windows|远程代码执行     |             |
|Server 2003 SP2  |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |中等             | 中等        |
|2003 x64版和     |远程代码执行     |             |
|Windows Server   |                 |             |
|2003 x64版SP2    |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |中等             | 中等        |
|2003 with SP1    |远程代码执行     |             |
|for Itanium-based|                 |             |
|Systems和Windows |                 |             |
|Server 2003 with |                 |             |
|SP2 for Itanium- |                 |             |
|based Systems    |                 |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Microsoft Office |紧急             | 紧急        |
|2004 for Mac     |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Microsoft Visual |紧急             | 紧急        |
|Basic 6.0 SP6    |远程代码执行     |             |
    - 临时解决方案:
    * 将Internet Explorer配置为在Internet和本地Intranet安全区域中运行ActiveX
    * 将Internet 和本地Intranet安全区域设置设为“高”,以便在这些区域中运行
    - 厂商补丁:                

    的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。

3. MS07-044 Microsoft Excel中的漏洞可能导致远程执行代码(940965)

    - 受影响软件:
    Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3
    Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3
    Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2
    Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac

    - 漏洞描述:


|受影响软件       |Workspace内存破坏|总体风险级别 |
|                 |漏洞             |             |
|                 |CVE-2007-3890    |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Excel 2000 SP3   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|                 |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Excel 2002 SP3   |重要             | 重要        |
|                 |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Excel 2003 SP2   |重要             | 重要        |
|                 |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Excel 2003 Viewer|重要             | 重要        |
|                 |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Office 2004 for  |重要             | 重要        |
|Mac              |远程代码执行     |             |
    - 临时解决方案:
    * 使用Microsoft Office文件阻断策略禁止打开不可信任来源和位置的Office 2003
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    - 厂商补丁:                

    "Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。

4. MS07-045 - Internet Explorer累积安全更新(937143)
    - 受影响软件:
    Internet Explorer 5.01
    Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
    Internet Explorer 6
    Internet Explorer 7

    - 漏洞描述:

    Internet Explorer中存在多个安全漏洞。如果用户使用Internet Explorer查看

|受影响软件|CSS内存破坏  |ActiveX对象  |ActiveX对象  |所有漏洞|
|          |漏洞         |漏洞         |内存破坏漏洞 |总体风险|
|          |CVE-2007-0943|CVE-2007-2216|CVE-2007-3041|级别    |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|IE 5.01和 |             |             |             |        |
|6 SP1     |             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|2000 SP4  |紧急         |紧急         |紧急         |紧急    |
|上的IE    |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|5.01 SP4  |             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|2000 SP4  |无           |紧急         |紧急         |紧急    |
|上的IE 6  |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|SP1       |             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|IE 6      |             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|XP SP2上的|无           |紧急         |紧急         |紧急    |
|IE 6      |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|XP x64版和|无           |紧急         |紧急         |紧急    |
|XP x64 SP2|             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|的IE 6    |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 SP1  |无           |中等         |中等         |中等    |
|和Server  |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|2003 SP2  |             |             |             |        |
|的IE 6    |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 x64  |无           |中等         |中等         |中等    |
|和Server  |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|2003 x64  |             |             |             |        |
|SP2的IE 6 |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 SP1  |无           |中等         |中等         |中等    |
|(基于     |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|Itanium的 |             |             |             |        |
|系统)和   |             |             |             |        |
|Server2003|             |             |             |        |
|SP2(基于  |             |             |             |        |
|Itanium的 |             |             |             |        |
|系统的IE 6|             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|IE 7      |             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|XP SP2的  |无           |重要         |重要         |重要    |
|IE 7      |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|XP x64版和|无           |重要         |重要         |重要    |
|XP x64 SP2|             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|的IE 7    |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 SP1  |无           |低           |低           |低      |
|和Server  |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|2003 SP2  |             |             |             |        |
|的IE 7    |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 x64  |无           |低           |低           |低      |
|和Server  |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|2003 x64  |             |             |             |        |
|SP2的IE 7 |             |             |             |        |
|Server    |             |             |             |        |
|2003 SP1  |无           |低           |低           |低      |
|(基于     |             |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|Itanium的 |             |             |             |        |
|系统)和   |             |             |             |        |
|Server2003|             |             |             |        |
|SP2(基于  |             |             |             |        |
|Itanium的 |             |             |             |        |
|系统的IE 7|             |             |             |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|Vista中的 |无           |重要         |重要         |重要    |
|IE 7      |             |             |             |远      |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|Vista x64 |无           |重要         |重要         |重要    |
|版中的IE 7|             |             |             |远程执  |
    - 临时解决方案:
    * 将Internet Explorer配置为在Internet和本地Intranet安全区域中运行ActiveX
    * 将Internet 和本地Intranet安全区域设置设为“高”,以便在这些区域中运行
    * 禁止在Internet Explorer中运行COM对象

    - 厂商补丁:                

     的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。

5. MS07-046 - GDI中的漏洞可能导致远程执行代码(938829)

    - 受影响软件:
    Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
    Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with SP1 for Itanium-based Systems
    - 漏洞描述:

|受影响软件       |GDI远程代码执行  |总体风险级别 |
|                 |漏洞             |             |
|                 |CVE-2007-3034    |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows 2000     |紧急             | 紧急        |
|SP4              |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows XP       |紧急             | 紧急        |
|SP2              |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows XP Pro   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|x64版            |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|2003 SP1         |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|2003 x64版       |远程代码执行     |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Windows Server   |紧急             | 紧急        |
|2003 with SP1    |远程代码执行     |             |
|for Itanium-based|                 |             |
|Systems          |                 |             |
    - 临时解决方案:

    - 厂商补丁:                

    的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。

6. MS07-047 - Windows Media Player中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码(936782)

    - 受影响软件:
    操作系统:Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
    Windows Media Player 7.1
    Windows Media Player 9
    操作系统:Windows XP Service Pack 2
    Windows Media Player 9
    Windows Media Player 10
    Windows Media Player 11
    操作系统:Windows XP Professional x64 Edition和Windows XP Professional
    x64 Edition Service Pack 2
    Windows Media Player 10
    Windows Media Player 11
    操作系统:Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1和Service Pack 2
    Windows Media Player 10
    Windows Media Player 11
    操作系统:Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition和Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
    Service Pack 2
    Windows Media Player 10
    Windows Media Player 11
    操作系统:Windows Vista
    Windows Media Player 11

    - 漏洞描述:

    Windows Media Player没有正确的处理皮肤文件中的头信息。如果用户受骗加载

|受影响软件|Media Player |Media Player |所有漏洞|
|          |代码执行漏洞 |解压皮肤漏洞 |总体风险|
|          |CVE-2007-3037|CVE-2007-3035|级别    |
|          |             |             |        |
|Media     | 重要        | 重要        | 重要   |
|Player 7.1| 远程执行代码| 远程执行代码|        |
|          |             |             |        |
|Media     | 重要        | 重要        | 重要   |
|Player 9  | 远程执行代码| 远程执行代码|        |
|Media     |             |             |        |
|Player 10 | 重要        | 重要        | 重要   |
|          | 远程执行代码| 远程执行代码|        |
|Media     |             |             |        |
|Player 11 | 重要        | 重要        | 重要   |
|          | 远程执行代码|             |        |

    - 临时解决方案:
    * 解除WMZ和WMD文件关联
    * 注销Wmp.dll
    - 厂商补丁:                

    "Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。


7. MS07-048 - Windows Gadgets中的漏洞可能导致远程执行代码(938123)
    - 受影响软件:
    Windows Vista
    Windows Vista x64 Edition

    - 漏洞描述:

    Vista中所捆绑的Feed Headlines Gadget和Weather Gadget在解析HTML属性时没
    有执行充分的验证,Contacts Gadget在导入联系人时也没有执行充分的验证。如
    果用户受骗访问了恶意网页或订阅了恶意的RSS feed的话,就可能触发这些漏洞,

|受影响软件|Vista Feed   |Vista        |Vista Weather|所有漏洞|
|          |Headlines    |Contacts     |Gadget远程代 |总体风险|
|          |Gadget远程代 |Gadget远程代 |码执行漏洞   |级别    |
|          |码执行漏洞   |码执行漏洞   |             |        |
|          |CVE-2007-3033|CVE-2007-3032|CVE-2007-3891|        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|Vista     |重要         |中等         |中等         |重要    |
|          |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
|          |             |             |             |        |
|Vista x64 |重要         |中等         |中等         |重要    |
|版        |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |远程执行代码 |        |
    - 临时解决方案:
    * 禁用或注销有漏洞的Gadget
    * 在组策略或系统注册表中禁用侧栏
    * 修改gadget.xml的访问控制列表:
    在命令行提示符中输入cd %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Contacts.Gadget\en-US
    然后对Weather Gadget和Contacts Gadget键入以下命令:icacls gadget.xml /deny Everyone:(R,RX)

    - 厂商补丁:                

     的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。


8. MS07-049 - Virtual PC和Virtual Server中的漏洞可能导致权限提升(937986)

    - 受影响软件:
    Microsoft Virtual PC 2004
    Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 Service Pack 1
    Microsoft Virtual Server 2005标准版
    Microsoft Virtual Server 2005企业版
    Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2标准版
    Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2企业版
    Microsoft Virtual PC for Mac V6.1
    Microsoft Virtual PC for Mac V7
    - 漏洞描述:

    Microsoft Virtual PC和Microsoft Virtual Server没有正确的处理与主机操作
|受影响软件       |Virtual PC和     |总体风险级别 |
|                 |Virtual Server   |             |
|                 |堆溢出漏洞       |             |
|                 |CVE-2007-0948    |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC 2004  |重要             | 重要        |
|                 |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC 2004  |重要             | 重要        |
|SP1              |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC 2005  |重要             | 重要        |
|标准版           |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC 2005  |重要             | 重要        |
|企业版           |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual Server   |重要             | 重要        |
|2005 R2标准版    |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual Server   |重要             | 重要        |
|2005 R2企业版    |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC for   |重要             | 重要        |
|Mac V6.1         |权限提升         |             |
|                 |                 |             |
|Virtual PC for   |重要             | 重要        |
|Mac V7           |权限提升         |             |
    - 临时解决方案:

    - 厂商补丁:                

    的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。


9. MS07-050 - 向量标记语言中的漏洞可能导致远程执行代码(938127)
    - 受影响软件:
    Internet Explorer 5.01
    Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1
    Internet Explorer 6
    Internet Explorer 7

    - 漏洞描述:

    Microsoft Windows在实现VML时,向量图形链接库中的例程vgx.dll没有对在Internet

|          |漏洞         |
|          |CVE-2007-1749|
|          |             |            
|IE 5.01和 |             |            
|6 SP1     |             |            
|          |             |          
|2000 SP4  |紧急         |
|上的IE    |远程执行代码 |
|5.01 SP4  |             |    
|          |             |          
|2000 SP4  |紧急         |
|上的IE 6  |远程执行代码 |
|SP1       |             |          
|          |             |            
|IE 6      |             |            
|          |             |            
|XP SP2上的|紧急         |
|IE 6      |远程执行代码 |
|          |             |          
|XP x64版和|紧急         |
|XP x64 SP2|远程执行代码 |
|的IE 6    |             |          
|Server    |             |        
|2003 SP1  |紧急         |
|和Server  |远程执行代码 |
|2003 SP2  |             |          
|的IE 6    |             |          
|Server    |             |            
|2003 x64  |紧急         |
|和Server  |远程执行代码 |
|2003 x64  |             |            
|SP2的IE 6 |             |            
|Server    |             |            
|2003 SP1  |紧急         |
|(基于     |远程执行代码 |
|Itanium的 |             |          
|系统)和   |             |        
|Server2003|             |          
|SP2(基于  |             |            
|Itanium的 |             |            
|系统的IE 6|             |          
|          |             |          
|IE 7      |             |          
|          |             |        
|XP SP2的  |紧急         |
|IE 7      |远程执行代码 |
|          |             |            
|XP x64版和|紧急         |
|XP x64 SP2|远程执行代码 |
|的IE 7    |             |            
|Server    |             |            
|2003 SP1  |紧急         |
|和Server  |远程执行代码 |
|2003 SP2  |             |          
|的IE 7    |             |            
|Server    |             |            
|2003 x64  |紧急         |
|和Server  |远程执行代码 |
|2003 x64  |             |            
|SP2的IE 7 |             |            
|Server    |             |            
|2003 SP1  |紧急         |
|(基于     |远程执行代码 |
|Itanium的 |             |            
|系统)和   |             |            
|Server2003|             |            
|SP2(基于  |             |            
|Itanium的 |             |            
|系统的IE 7|             |            
|          |             |          
|Vista中的 |紧急         |
|IE 7      |远程执行代码 |
|          |             |          
|Vista x64 |紧急         |
|版中的IE 7|远程执行代码 |
    - 临时解决方案:
    * 注销VGX.DLL
    * 将Internet 和本地Intranet安全区域设置设为“高”,以便在这些区域中运行

    - 厂商补丁:                

     的"Windows update"功能下载最新补丁。


1. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-042.mspx
2. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-043.mspx
3. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-044.mspx
4. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-045.mspx
5. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-046.mspx
6. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-047.mspx
7. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-048.mspx
8. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-049.mspx
9. http://www.microsoft.com/china/technet/security/bulletin/MS07-050.mspx
10. http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/techalerts/TA07-226A.html
11. http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=576
12. http://labs.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=575
13. http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-07-046.html
14. http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-07-048.html
15. http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-07-047.html
16. http://research.eeye.com/html/advisories/published/AD20070814a.html
17. http://secunia.com/advisories/26409/
18. http://secunia.com/advisories/26444/
19. http://secunia.com/advisories/26439/
20. http://secunia.com/advisories/26433/
21. http://secunia.com/advisories/26423/
22. http://secunia.com/advisories/26419/
23. http://secunia.com/advisories/26145/
24. http://secunia.com/advisories/26449/
25. http://research.eeye.com/html/advisories/published/AD20070814b.html

声 明



绿盟科技(NSFOCUS Co., Ltd.)是中国网络安全领域的领导企业,致力于网络和系统安全问题的研究、高端网络安全产品的研发、销售与网络安全服务,在入侵检测/保护、远程评估、 DDoS攻击防护等方面提供具有国际竞争能力的先进产品,是国内最具安全服务经验的专业公司。有关绿盟科技的详情请参见: http://www.nsfocus.com

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